Let’s Chat Takes 2nd Place in New Venture Challenge

August 9, 2016
Let’s Chat was awarded second place in Arizona State University’s inaugural New Venture Challenge class on May 6, 2016.

Let’s Chat was awarded second place in Arizona State University’s inaugural New Venture Challenge class on May 6, 2016.  Let’s Chat received $25,000 towards the business, as well as two office space packages and a consulting package valued at an additional $20,000.

The New Venture Challenge Class was taught by successful entrepreneur Scott Wald, who has both an undergraduate and masters in business administration degree from the W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU. Over the course of seven weeks, ten teams accepted to the New Venture Challenge Class honed their business concepts through content taught by Wald, sessions with mentors, and pitch practice opportunities.

The course culminated with four teams advancing to the final demo day, where over $100,000 in cash and services was awarded to the student teams. Co-founder Elizabeth Oviedo stated, “It’s an incredible honor to be one of the student team winners of the first New Venture Challenge. We look forward to our continued partnership with ASU and doing our part to make the next rounds successful.”

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